
⚠️ Even though Killgrave is a very robust tool and is being used by some companies in production environments, it's still in initial development. Therefore, 'minor' version numbers are used to signify breaking changes and 'patch' version numbers are used for non-breaking changes or bugfixing. As soon as v1.0.0 is released, Killgrave will start to use SemVeropen in new window as usual.

You can install Killgrave in different ways, but all of them are very simple:

Go Toolchain

One of them is of course using go install, Killgrave is a Go project and therefore can be compiled using the go toolchain:

$ go install{version}

Note that version must be replaced by the version that you want to install. If left unspecified, the main branch will be installed.


If you are a macOS user, you can install Killgrave using Homebrewopen in new window:

$ brew install friendsofgo/tap/killgrave

⚠️ If you are installing via Homebrew, you always get the latest Killgrave version, we hope to fix this soon!


Killgrave is also available through Dockeropen in new window.

$ docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -v $PWD/:/home -w /home friendsofgo/killgrave -host
  • -p 3000:3000 is used to forward the local port 3000 (Killgrave's default port) to container's port 3000, otherwise Killgrave won't be reachable from the host.

  • -host is used to change the Killgrave's default host (localhost) to allow Killgrave to listen to and respond to incoming requests from outside the container, otherwise Killgrave won't be reachable from the host.


Windows and Linux users can download binaries from the GitHub Releasesopen in new window page.