Advanced features

Killgrave has some advanced features:


If you want to use Killgrave from a frontend application, you should consider configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)open in new window.

In the CORSopen in new window section of the file you can find the following options:

  • methods: Access-Control-Request-Method
  • headers: Access-Control-Request-Headers
  • exposed_headers: Access-Control-Expose-Headers
  • origins: Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  • allow_credentials: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials

You can find further details hereopen in new window.


You can use Killgrave in proxy mode using the flags proxy-mode and proxy-url or their equivalent fields in the configuration fileopen in new window. The following three proxy modes are available:

  • none: (Default) Killgrave won't behave as a proxy and will only use the configured imposters.
  • missing: Killgrave will try to match the request with a configured imposter. Otherwise, it will forward the request to the configured proxy.
  • all: Killgrave will forward all the incoming requests to the configured proxy.

The proxy-url must be the root path of the proxy server. For instance, if we have an API running on, the configured proxy-url should be

Secure (HTTP over TLS)

Killgrave has a secure mode that lets you expose your mock servers over secure connections by using HTTP over TLS/SSL (HTTPS).

You can use the secure setting to enable the secure mode. Disabled by default.

If enabled, the mock server will use TLS options with a dummy certificate, to make it work with the HTTPS protocol.


Killgrave has a file watcher that lets you hot reload your mock servers on every imposters change.

You can use the watcher setting to enable the secure mode. Disabled by default.

If enabled, the file watcher will be watching changes on the imposters directory so the mock server will be restarted on every imposters change.


Killgrave has an interactive mode that lets you debug the behavior of your mock server.

You can use the debugger settings to enable the interactive mode. Disabled by default.

You can find further details hereopen in new window.